Dental Care with the iTero™ Digital Scan at Liesen Family Dental

Dr. Liesen using the iTero™ Scanner
Welcome to Liesen Family Dental, where we integrate advanced technology with compassionate dental care. In our continuous effort to offer the best to our patients in Collinsville, IL, Dr. Liesen and his team are proud to incorporate the revolutionary iTero™ digital scan into our practice. This evolving breakthrough technology constantly reshapes the dental and orthodontic experience, and we are excited to share its benefits with you.

What is iTero™ Digital Scan?

The iTero™ digital scan is a state-of-the-art imaging technology that captures a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. Unlike traditional dental impressions that can be uncomfortable and messy, iTero™ uses a compact, hand-held wand to scan your mouth quickly and comfortably. This cutting-edge technology is more patient-friendly and provides exceptionally accurate dental images.
While this digital scanner’s most known uses are for the custom fitting of Invisalign® clear aligner treatment, iTero™ can also be used for things like planning restorative care and oral cancer detection—it can even give you a time-lapse model of what your teeth will look like before and after specific procedures!

Benefits of iTero™ Digital Scan

Accuracy and Precision:

iTero™ scans offer unparalleled accuracy, ensuring a perfect fit for orthodontic appliances and restorations.

Comfort and Convenience:

Say goodbye to the discomfort of traditional impressions. The iTero™ scan is quick, non-invasive, and comfortable for patients of all ages.

Speed and Efficiency:

With real-time imaging, iTero™ reduces the time needed for dental appointments and speeds up the creation of dental appliances.

Improved Communication:

iTero™’s 3D models allow dentists to explain procedures more effectively, enhancing patients’ understanding and involvement in their treatment.

Environmental Benefits:

Digital scans mean reduced waste and no need for impression materials, aligning with our commitment to eco-friendly practices.

Applications in Dentistry

The iTero™ digital scan is versatile, aiding in various dental treatments:


It’s instrumental in planning and monitoring Invisalign® treatments. This digital scan technology can also show patients what their smile would look like in a timelapse with and without orthodontic intervention!

Restorative Dentistry:

For crowns, bridges, and veneers, iTero™ ensures a flawless fit, helping streamline the lab process.


It aids in precise implant planning and placement.

Patient Experiences with iTero™ at Liesen Family Dental

Goo-based impressions take time, are expensive, and are unpleasant for the person receiving them for treatment planning and outlook. Patients are always amazed by how pleasant the dental experience with iTero™ is. The quick and comfortable process, coupled with the ability to see their dental scans on-screen, has transformed their perception of dental visits and has made the process more interactive between themselves, Dr. Liesen, and his team members.

Why Choose Liesen Family Dental for iTero™ Scans?

At Liesen Family Dental, our team is trained and experienced in utilizing iTero™ technology to its full potential, as the technology has now been incorporated into most dental offices, training programs, etc. We prioritize your comfort and are dedicated to providing dental care that is not only effective but also minimally invasive and patient-centric.
The iTero™ digital scan is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a part of our commitment to providing exceptional dental care. We invite you to experience the difference at Liesen Family Dental. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your iTero™ digital scan appointment.

For more information on the iTero™ digital scanner, its latest developments, and features, check out what iTero™ has to say about its product here!