How Long Does TMJ Last?

How Long Does TMJ Last?

Many of our patients at Liesen Family Dental in Collinsville, IL, pose a common question: “What is TMJ?” and “How long does TMJ last?”. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, the hinge connecting the lower jaw to the skull. This crucial joint enables us to talk, chew, and yawn. However, problems in this joint can lead to a disorder commonly referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

There are a variety of reasons why someone might develop TMJ disorders. Some common causes include:

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

If you’re suffering from TMJ disorder, you may experience:

How Long Does TMJ Last?

Now, let’s tackle the commonly asked question, “how long does TMJ last?”
The duration of TMJ symptoms varies widely among individuals. For some, TMJ symptoms may be temporary and can be relieved with simple self-care practices or nonsurgical treatments. These symptoms may last a few days to a couple of weeks and then dissipate. For others, however, symptoms might persist and can even become chronic, requiring more invasive treatments.

Factors that affect how long TMJ lasts include:

Treatment Options

Treatment for TMJ disorder typically starts with conservative, nonsurgical therapies. At Liesen Family Dental, we believe in a patient-centric approach and recommend the following based on the individual’s needs:

Preventing TMJ Disorder

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are a few steps to minimize the risk of developing TMJ problems:

Book an appointment at Liesen Family Dental Today!

Understanding TMJ is the first step to addressing and treating its symptoms. At Liesen Family Dental in Collinsville, IL, we are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal oral health. If you suspect you have TMJ disorder or have questions about “how long does TMJ last?”, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team. We’re here to help guide you through understanding, managing, and treating TMJ disorders.